Private Yoga

Tune in to your body’s wisdom and watch your health transform.

The ultimate one-on-one experience to help you heal your body and reclaim the life you want to be living.
Imagine waking up knowing that your body is ready and able to enjoy whatever the day has in store. You can take a challenging yoga class, tend to your garden, go for a long run, or even twirl your grandchild through the air without a second thought.
The pain you suffered with for so long is no longer holding you back from doing what you love. Your constant tension and stress has faded away, and all you feel is happy, peaceful, and at home in your body.
Not only do you feel better now, you have tools and practices in place to maintain your new level of health. You’ve learned how to listen to the wisdom of your body and nurture it with ongoing self-care.

All of this is possible, and it can be your reality.

Through Private Yoga Therapy, I’ll provide you with personalized tools, exercises, and guidance to help you:
Reduce or eliminate pain
Improve posture, core stability and strength
Improve mobility and flexibility
Quiet and calm your mind
Reduce stress and anxiety
Tune into yourself in a new way, and

Move beyond what’s keeping you stuck, so you can get back to the active life that nourishes your heart and soul

Together we’ll discover your unique movement patterns, bring awareness to moving with less dysfunction and tension, and provide nurturing support so that your tired and overstrained areas can begin to feel and move better.

Working one-on-one with me is the best way to receive the benefits of therapeutic yoga.

Private Yoga Therapy is ideal for you if you’re recovering from injury or illness or are highly motivated to feel stronger, move better and live the life you always imagined for yourself.

“I initially went to see Sharyl because I had back pain, shoulder pain, and wrist pain from diving into a yoga practice without much bodily awareness. At that point, I was in a predicament: I loved how yoga allowed me to cope with stress, but it couldn’t be sustainable if I kept on hurting myself!

Being in pain, I was naturally drawn to Sharyl’s gentler yoga classes. I didn’t initially anticipate taking private yoga therapy sessions with her, but I am grateful that I did.

Within a few private sessions, my bodily pain was alleviated.

Sharyl naturally has a caring and graceful presence and is incredibly passionate about yoga and yoga therapy, so I trusted her. Because she genuinely gave me her undivided attention, I felt safe enough to share how I was doing whenever we started a session together. Depending on how I was ‘holding onto tension in life’ I was able to witness how that affected my physical body. I began to learn how to read my body which inherently signals how my inner self is ‘holding up.’ Witnessing this challenged me to become more in tune with ‘who I am’ at various levels of my life.

Sometimes I can’t see how far I’ve come until someone from my past points out how calm I have become.

Because I witnessed how it feels to be in my body throughout Sharyl’s sessions, whenever I am out of whack, I trust that I have sufficiently adopted the life skills and awareness to get back to that calm place whenever I choose to. No matter where I go, I will always credit Sharyl with providing me the practical techniques to get myself grounded again. Thanks Sharyl!”

Mandy, PhD Candidate

“I have been dealing with serious back issues for a number of years. The most recent re-injury involved my spinal cord and caused significant loss of function, loss of feeling, and pain in my lower body. Before seeing Sharyl, I had accepted a drastically reduced quality of life day-to-day and had accepted the fact that I would need to take pain medication for the rest of my life. I had also accepted that I may never be able to do some things again or to enjoy normal physical activity. Yoga therapy treatment has been life changing! Working with Sharyl has been an amazing experience and has allowed me to enjoy a higher quality of life than with any other treatment I have tried! I am dramatically improved and have a well-aligned athletic body. I am actually able to run again! I never thought this would be possible. I would highly recommend Sharyl to anyone looking for help in healing from an injury or just looking to be better aligned in their body.” —Darren, Actor

Appointments are Available: Tuesday’s 11:00am to 5:00pm and Friday’s 10:00am to 3:00pm

Your body is talking to you. It’s time to listen.

Move beyond pain and back into an active life you love.

Book Your Free 30 Min Phone Consultation Today