I have been dealing with serious back issues for a number of years. The most recent re-injury involved my spinal cord and caused significant loss of function, loss of feeling, and pain in my lower body. Working with Sharyl has been an amazing experience and has allowed me to enjoy a higher quality of life than with any other treatment I have tried. I am actually able to run again! I never thought this would be possible! Yoga therapy treatment has been life changing!
-Darren, Actor

Laurie, Osteopath
I have worked with Sharyl for nearly a year and the experience has been gently and profoundly life changing.My first experience with Sharyl was in her Begin Yoga series – a set of classes that completely altered my relationship with yoga. With Sharyl’s instruction, yoga transformed from simply a workout to an independent practice of self-exploration and growth. I learned to execute postures on my own, in a biomechanically sound way, building strength, flexibility and resilience. I also learned to use these postures as touchstones for evaluating my attitudes toward life. Areas of tension and resistance became important information I could use to approach each day more softly and playfully.
I’ve also had the privilege to work with Sharyl in one-on-one settings. In these sessions, she has carefully nudged me away from unconstructive habits (like clenching my jaw when doing a backbend) and encouraged me to form new and improved habits (like not pushing myself to the point of jaw clenching ☺ ). While her medium for healing is movement therapy, her teachings apply to daily life. Using her sense of humour and her courage to face issues head on, she has prodded me into new perspectives – of yoga postures, my own barriers and my gifts.
I want to refer everyone to Sharyl!!! She fills an important gap in many people’s wellness regime – empowering them to find and use their strengths in their quest for well-being. She genuinely cares for her clients – it is clear from the relationships she forms with each of them. Sharyl actively listens (whether in a class or over a cup of tea), and finds creative ways to keep students progressing in their practice. Her vast knowledge of the body, yoga and life in general give her the ability to provide invaluable and in-depth guidance. Sharyl makes yoga a safe practice of exploration and enlightenment.
Laurie, Osteopath

Mandy, PhD Candidate
I initially went to see Sharyl because I had back pain, shoulder pain, and wrist pain from diving into a yoga practice without much bodily awareness. At that point, I was in a predicament: I loved how yoga allowed me to cope with stress, but it couldn’t be sustainable if I kept on hurting myself!Being in pain, I was naturally drawn to Sharyl’s gentler yoga classes. I didn’t initially anticipate taking private yoga therapy sessions with her, but I am grateful that I did.
Within a few private sessions, my bodily pain was alleviated.
Sharyl naturally has a caring and graceful presence and is incredibly passionate about yoga and yoga therapy, so I trusted her. Because she genuinely gave me her undivided attention, I felt safe enough to share how I was doing whenever we started a session together. Depending on how I was ‘holding onto tension in life’ I was able to witness how that affected my physical body. I began to learn how to read my body which inherently signals how my inner self is ‘holding up.’ Witnessing this challenged me to become more in tune with ‘who I am’ at various levels of my life.
Sometimes I can’t see how far I’ve come until someone from my past points out how calm I have become. Because I witnessed how it feels to be in my body throughout Sharyl’s sessions, whenever I am out of whack, I trust that I have sufficiently adopted the life skills and awareness to get back to that calm place whenever I choose to. No matter where I go, I will always credit Sharyl with providing me the practical techniques to get myself grounded again. Thanks Sharyl!
–Mandy, PhD Candidate

Patty, Entrepreneur
I’m amazed at how this practice and your class has become such a big part of my life. Because of your fabulous classes and instruction, I’m at a place with my practice that I thought I’d never return to. After practicing for 20 plus years I was so saddened to think I would never be able to attend a yoga class again as my fear of being injured was so great. You’re a life changer!!!!-Patty, Entrepreneur

Blair, Retired Financial Planner
Thank you for the attention to detail and effort you put into each class. I appreciate your passion for instructing with specific advice and guidance on ensuring that movements are done without overextending or creating undo stress or injury. I certainly feel better after the class and find I have enough of a base to carry on my own if need be.Blair, Retired Financial Planner
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